
Customization Options

Welcome to the icon customization section of Lineicons documentation. In this section, we will guide you on how you can customize the icons to meet your project and design requirements.

Lineicons offer better scalability and flexibility. You can adjust the size, color, and placement of the icon you want. Plus, you can style the icon to fit your project’s needs.

Icon Styling

With Lineicons icon styling is easy and simple. From minimal to vibrant, you can adjust the icons to meet any of your design needs.

Size Customization:

You can easily adjust the icon size based on your project’s requirements.

  1. Browse the icons page and then select the icon. You can customize the size using the dropdown menu.


  1. You can also change the style with the inline styling. Just copy-paste the code and change the <width> & <height> to customize the icon size as you want.
  viewBox="0 0 24 24"
  transform="rotate(0 0 0)"
    d="M16.45 13.29C17.19 13 20.75 11.33 20.75 6.16C20.75 5.75 20.41 5.41 20 5.41H17.72V4C17.72 3.59 17.38 3.25 16.97 3.25H7.03C6.62 3.25 6.28 3.59 6.28 4V5.41H4C3.59 5.41 3.25 5.75 3.25 6.16C3.25 11.33 6.81 13 7.55 13.29C8.45 14.41 9.76 15.17 11.25 15.37V16.66H8.5C8.18 16.66 7.89 16.87 7.79 17.17L6.93 19.76C6.85 19.99 6.89 20.24 7.03 20.44C7.17 20.64 7.4 20.75 7.64 20.75H16.36C16.6 20.75 16.83 20.63 16.97 20.44C17.11 20.25 17.15 19.99 17.07 19.76L16.21 17.17C16.11 16.86 15.82 16.66 15.5 16.66H12.75V15.37C14.24 15.17 15.55 14.41 16.45 13.29ZM15.32 19.25H8.68L9.04 18.16H14.95L15.32 19.25ZM19.22 6.91C19.07 8.72 18.36 9.91 17.63 10.68C17.69 10.36 17.72 10.04 17.72 9.7V6.91H19.22ZM4.78 6.91H6.28V9.7C6.28 10.03 6.31 10.36 6.37 10.68C5.64 9.91 4.94 8.72 4.79 6.91H4.78ZM7.78 9.7V4.75H16.23V9.7C16.23 12.03 14.34 13.92 12.01 13.92C9.68 13.92 7.78 12.03 7.78 9.7Z"

Color Customization:

Color customization is also easy with Lineicons.

  1. Browse the icons page, and select the icon you need. Change the color using the color palette.


  1. You can change the color with the inline styling. Copy-paste the code and change <fill> as your design needs.
  viewBox="0 0 24 24"
  transform="rotate(0 0 0)"
    d="M16.45 13.29C17.19 13 20.75 11.33 20.75 6.16C20.75 5.75 20.41 5.41 20 5.41H17.72V4C17.72 3.59 17.38 3.25 16.97 3.25H7.03C6.62 3.25 6.28 3.59 6.28 4V5.41H4C3.59 5.41 3.25 5.75 3.25 6.16C3.25 11.33 6.81 13 7.55 13.29C8.45 14.41 9.76 15.17 11.25 15.37V16.66H8.5C8.18 16.66 7.89 16.87 7.79 17.17L6.93 19.76C6.85 19.99 6.89 20.24 7.03 20.44C7.17 20.64 7.4 20.75 7.64 20.75H16.36C16.6 20.75 16.83 20.63 16.97 20.44C17.11 20.25 17.15 19.99 17.07 19.76L16.21 17.17C16.11 16.86 15.82 16.66 15.5 16.66H12.75V15.37C14.24 15.17 15.55 14.41 16.45 13.29ZM15.32 19.25H8.68L9.04 18.16H14.95L15.32 19.25ZM19.22 6.91C19.07 8.72 18.36 9.91 17.63 10.68C17.69 10.36 17.72 10.04 17.72 9.7V6.91H19.22ZM4.78 6.91H6.28V9.7C6.28 10.03 6.31 10.36 6.37 10.68C5.64 9.91 4.94 8.72 4.79 6.91H4.78ZM7.78 9.7V4.75H16.23V9.7C16.23 12.03 14.34 13.92 12.01 13.92C9.68 13.92 7.78 12.03 7.78 9.7Z"

Rotations Customization:

Rotating icons adds a unique visual touch to your user interface. Line icons allow you to adjust the alignments and rotations without any hassle.

  1. First, browse the icons page and select the icon you want to add.
  2. Then copy-paste the code snippet into your project. You can change the rotation with the <attribute> tag.
  viewBox="0 0 24 24"
  transform="rotate(0 0 0)"
    d="M16.45 13.29C17.19 13 20.75 11.33 20.75 6.16C20.75 5.75 20.41 5.41 20 5.41H17.72V4C17.72 3.59 17.38 3.25 16.97 3.25H7.03C6.62 3.25 6.28 3.59 6.28 4V5.41H4C3.59 5.41 3.25 5.75 3.25 6.16C3.25 11.33 6.81 13 7.55 13.29C8.45 14.41 9.76 15.17 11.25 15.37V16.66H8.5C8.18 16.66 7.89 16.87 7.79 17.17L6.93 19.76C6.85 19.99 6.89 20.24 7.03 20.44C7.17 20.64 7.4 20.75 7.64 20.75H16.36C16.6 20.75 16.83 20.63 16.97 20.44C17.11 20.25 17.15 19.99 17.07 19.76L16.21 17.17C16.11 16.86 15.82 16.66 15.5 16.66H12.75V15.37C14.24 15.17 15.55 14.41 16.45 13.29ZM15.32 19.25H8.68L9.04 18.16H14.95L15.32 19.25ZM19.22 6.91C19.07 8.72 18.36 9.91 17.63 10.68C17.69 10.36 17.72 10.04 17.72 9.7V6.91H19.22ZM4.78 6.91H6.28V9.7C6.28 10.03 6.31 10.36 6.37 10.68C5.64 9.91 4.94 8.72 4.79 6.91H4.78ZM7.78 9.7V4.75H16.23V9.7C16.23 12.03 14.34 13.92 12.01 13.92C9.68 13.92 7.78 12.03 7.78 9.7Z"