The Lineicons Free Basic version is open source and licensed under the MIT License. You can use, modify, and distribute it with your personal or commercial projects. However, reselling or redistributing it as an 'Icon Pack' from other sources is prohibited.
Note: If you enjoy our free pack, please consider supporting us by starring our project on GitHub.
Lineicons Pro allows you to use, edit, and embed the icons in your personal or commercial projects. However, reselling or redistributing them as an 'Icon Pack' is not allowed.
Best for individuals and freelancers that want pro icons in two variations. Can be used with unlimited projects but, 01 seat/user for commercial use.
Best for collaborative teams, agencies, and small businesses that need all variations and 3 user license allowed for commercial use.
Best for brands, orgs, business, or anyone who needs all variations, access for up to 5 user accounts, and required unlimited end-user licenses (such as SaaS).
Brand Icons: The brand logos and social media icons used in the Lineicons project are trademarks owned by their respective entities. Please ensure you follow their brand guidelines when using these icons.
By using Lineicons, you gain access to a versatile set of icons that can enhance the visual appeal of your projects. Whether you're working with the free or pro version, these icons provide a professional touch without the hassle of design from scratch. The open-source nature of the free version encourages collaboration and innovation, while the pro version offers enhanced features for more extensive projects.
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