Lineicons Free Basic

You can – use, edit, and distribute with your personal/commercial projects, except reselling or redistributing as ‘Icon Pack’ from any other sources.

  1. Commercial/Personal Use – Allowed.
  2. Embedding and Redistributing with Projects – Allowed.
  3. Attribution – Attribution is Appreciated, Not Required.
  4. Reselling or Redistributing Source Files as ‘Icon Pack/Icon Font/Icons’ from Other Sources or Public/Private Domain – Not Allowed.

Note: Lineicons Free Basic is licensed under MIT, if you like our free pack you you can support us by starring us on GitHub

Lineicons Pro

You can – use, edit, and embed on your personal/commercial project, except reselling or redistributing as ‘Icon Pack’.

  1. Commercial and Personal Use – Allowed.
  2. Embedding on projects and pass along to non-creators – Allowed.
  3. Attribution – Not Required.
  4. Reselling or Redistributing Source Files – Not Allowed.
  5. Number of Seats/Users – Depends on License Type.


Brand Icons: The brand logos and social media icons are used in Lineicons project, trademarks owned by the respective entities. Use them by following their brand guidelines.

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Lineicons Free Basic
Lineicons Pro

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